Routing and Queries


You can basically use any routes as you want without need to define them, just be sure to make it plural to get the population system work as expected.

Plural routes

GET    /posts
GET    /posts/1
POST   /posts
PUT    /posts/1
PATCH  /posts/1
DELETE /posts/1

Filter by equality

You can filter by any by using field=value, Use . to access deep properties

GET /posts?id=1&id=2
GET /comments?

You can use $select to return only the fields that you need.

Advanced filters

You can use different modifiers in order to perform special queries:

# Format 
GET /resources?field:modifier=value
# or
GET /resources?field:modifier:coerce=value # where coerce can be "id", "date", or "number"

# bool: Boolean Coercion
GET /comments?seen:bool=true

# date: date Coercion
GET /comments?createdAt:date=2019-08-15T20:01:17.065Z
GET /comments?createdAt:date=1565899340489

# id: Object Id Coercion
GET /comments?variableStoredAsObjectId:id=5d392ddb3aac2900173a876a

# number: Number Coercion
GET /comments?points:number=10

# ne: Not Equal
GET /comments?name:ne=Vektor

# lt: Lower than
GET /comments?points:lt=10

# gt: Greater than
GET /comments?points:gt=10

# lte: Lower than or equal
GET /comments?points:lte=10

# gte: Greater than or equal
GET /comments?points:gte=10

# i:
GET /comments?fruits:in=apple
GET /comments?fruits:in[]=apple&fruits:in[]=banana

# nin:
GET /comments?fruits:nin=apple
GET /comments?fruits:nin[]=apple&fruits:nin[]=banana

# size 
GET /items?fruits:size=10

Pick fields to return

GET /posts?$select[]=author&$select[]=_id
GET /posts?$select=name
GET /posts?$page=7


Use $page and optionally $limit to paginate returned data. keep in mind that the first page is 0 `$page=0`

GET /posts?$page=7&$limit=20

10 items are returned by default


Add $sort and $order (ascending order by default)

GET /posts?$sort=views&$order=asc
GET /posts/1/comments?$sort=votes&$order=asc

For multiple fields, use the following format:

GET /posts?$sort=user&$sort=views&$order[]=desc$$order[]=asc


Use $count to get an answer with the total document count

GET /posts?$count=1



Advanced queries

Use $query to send a JSON with any mongodb query

GET /posts?$query={"name":"Puky"}

Regular Expressions (Regex)

Use $regex to send a regex Query

GET /posts?$regex=["FieldName","Regex","flags"]
# the regex value should be a valid Js Array

Coming soon...


To include children resources, add $populate

GET /companies$populate=employees
  // create two companies
  await db.collection('companies').insertOne({ _id: 1, name: 'corp' });
  await db.collection('companies').insertOne({ _id: 2, name: 'inc' });
  // this employee works in company 1, notice the using of singular word for companies
  await db.collection('employees').insertOne({ _id: 1, name: 'Foobio', company_id: 1 });
  // this employee works for both!, notice the "s" on company_ids!
  await db.collection('employees').insertOne({ _id: 2, name: 'Barfy', company_ids: [1, 2] });

  const r = await request(server).get('/companies?$populate=employees').expect(200);

  // employees are populated"
  a.equal(r.body[0].employees.length, 2);
  a.equal(r.body[1].employees.length, 1);

To do the opposite, add parent resources use $fill in the query.

GET /employees?$fill=companies


Sometimes you want to pass some data that are neither queries or filters, to be used in the route logic, permissions or filters. you can use them with query flags:

GET /employees?$$flag=someData&$$anotherFlag=moreData

Geo Filters (Coming Soon)

# intersect
GET /countries?location:geo:ins:polygon=[[]]
GET /countries?location:geo:ins:multipolygon

# within
GET /countries?location:geo:win:polygon=[[]]
GET /countries?location:geo:win:multipolygon=[[]]

# Near Point
GET /countries?location:geo:near=[LONG,LAT,MIN,MAX]

Last updated